How is MAXL ONE different?Updated 14 days ago
MAXL ONE is a new cleaner coating and is one of the finest products in the world. MAXL ONE can be used on practically EVERTYTHING and it leaves a super rich finish, makes colors look deeper, makes glossy surfaces shine like glass and makes matte surfaces look better than new. It works on all surfaces such as paint, plastic, rubber (even works on tires to make them look like new rubber!), glass, metal, fiberglass, gelcoat, acrylic, engines, chrome exhaust (it's immune to heat once cured), and more.
MAXL ONE has a little more Triphene in it than MAXEasy, so it will have a little more hydrophobicity and durability. MAXL ONE can be used to clean your entire car and not have to wash. With MAXL ONE you can use it all the time and never have to wash (unless your ride gets super dirty/muddy).
MAXL ONE works awesome as a standalone coating, and also can be used to rejuvenate, maintain, and increase the performance and longevity of pro 3yr+ "ceramic" coatings.