How much do you get out of one bottle of MAXEasy? How many uses?Updated 6 months ago
One bottle of MAXEasy can cover about 8-10 average-sized cars. Most people use too much MAXEasy when they first get it because it spreads a lot further than you would think. You only need about 1-4 sweeping sprays per panel. Space your spray lines apart about 18". A panel is typically a section separated by seams, such as a door or fender.
The easiest way to apply is, after washing the car, and while it is still wet, simply walk around the car spraying 1-4 sprays on each panel. Another technique is to spray MAXEasy in an "X" pattern using two sprays as if you are spray painting a large "X" across the entire panel. Using more than 3 or 4 sprays per panel is definitely too much. Stick to 2 sprays first, then rinse and see how it does. By the time you circled the car and made it back to your starting point, start rinsing it around and off going in the same direction from where you started. Then, thoroughly dry the vehicle using the MAXL SoftSorb Drying Towel. Remember, less is more with MAXEasy, and if you miss a spot, no big deal; you can just hit it with MAXEasy, then rinse it, and immediately dry it. Super quick and easy.
Some users with a larger vehicle get the MAXEasy Ultimate starter 2 or 3 kits because they want the extra super nice drying towels and they like to have extra product in case they use too much. Once you get the hang of it, you'll get a lot of mileage out of a bottle.