What are the directions/instructions for MAXEasy?Updated 6 months ago
One bottle of MAXEasy can do 8-10 cars. MAXEasy can be applied either wet or dry. Here is a quick rundown of how to apply efficiently:
Wet Application:
- Out of direct sunlight, wash the car and thoroughly rinse off the soap. Don't use a soap that has a wax, etc in it as that will try to fight anything you put on the car afterwards.
- Make sure you are out of direct sunlight, because sunlight causes MAXEasy to start drying and curing fast, which you do not want to happen until you are ready. Apply MAXEasy with only 1-4 sprays per panel. The hood is probably the only panel that would MAYBE need 4 sprays. If you are spraying more than 4 sprays on a panel, then you are over using and there will be excess product on the surface that will need to be wiped off while you are drying. You don't have to cover every square inch with MAXEasy because MAXEasy will spread very far when you rinse. Usually 1-4 spray lines per panel spaced apart about 18" or so is all you need. An easy way to make sure you don't use too much is to spray a big "X" across the entirety of each panel, which is only 2 full sprays. After you rinse, if you notice that you missed a spot, no big deal, just go back and hit it with MAXEasy then rinse.
- Rinse around to spread thoroughly as you rinse it off. I like to rinse from the bottom up to make sure I spread it everywhere. Do not let MAXEasy dry on the surface. If you feel you won't make it around the car in a timely manner, then do the car in sections at a time.
- Immediately dry the car. What I do, is after thoroughly rinsing it, I use a leaf blower to quickly blow the bulk of water off, out of cracks, wheels, etc. (Don't spend too much time with the blower, the drying towel is where the magic is on drying!) Then I use the MAXL SoftSorb drying towel to quickly finish it off. The SoftSorb towel absorbs water instantly on contact, and one towel will dry an entire car without scratching because it is so soft. That towel dries off a car a lot faster than the leaf blower. Also, while I'm using the towel, I look for areas where I may have sprayed too much or didn't rinse well enough such as streaks, oily residue, etc, and I smooth those areas out as I go. It's super quick and easy. (Do NOT use a chamois ("shammy") as those cause issues such as smears and streaking.) Think of it like putting lotion on skin. If you apply too much, then the excess has no place to go, so you have to wipe the excess off.
After washing and rinsing the soap off, I can apply MAXEasy to the entire car, rinse it off, and dry it in less than 4 minutes.
MAXEasy needs 24 - 48 hours to reach peak performance and peak chemical resistance.
Also, when drying, make sure to pick up the wiper blades and dry them.
Dry Application ("wax on, wax off"):
On a clean vehicle you would spray MAXEasy into a soft microfiber towel, spray 1 or 2 sprays on the surface, then wipe it in. Flip the towel to a dry side to wipe off, then use a second clean dry soft microfiber towel to hand buff it to a pretty finish. No rinsing needed.
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