Does MAXEasy work on matte paint such as Harley Denim paint, matte PPF (wraps), and other satin type finishes?Updated 6 months ago
It works great on matte! MAXEasy will make matte/satin/Denim finishes look richer and newer. MAXEasy will not artificially shine, but will retain the matte look. It will keep it cleaner and make them easier to clean. Even when it does get dirty it will still look clean from a distance. A lot of the dirt will rinse off in a rain storm, and when you wash it, you'll notice that there is less dirt. Any dirt that is there will clean off a lot easier.
You can apply MAXEasy either wet or dry:
Wet Application: Wash the vehicle first. While the vehicle is still wet you can can apply MAXEasy (1-4 sweeping sprays per panel) then thoroughly rinse it off. Then use the MAXL SoftSorb Drying towel to quickly and easily dry the vehicle. (Do NOT use a chamois "shammy" as those cause smears and streaking really bad, they also scratch surfaces.)
Dry Application ("wax on, wax off"):
On a clean vehicle you would spray MAXEasy into a soft microfiber towel, spray 1 or 2 sprays on the surface, then wipe it in. Flip the towel to a dry side to wipe off, then use a second clean dry soft microfiber towel to hand buff it to a pretty finish. No rinsing needed.
Either way works great and has the same performance. The wet application is most popular because it is easy and fast.
The wet application is so awesome because you can apply MAXEasy to the entire car, rinse it off, and dry it, all in less than 4 minutes.
You can find more information about application here: